Fortnite's Galactus live event was an air space game shooter!

The event saw Galactus slowly rise out of the water, before bellowing and letting the players know that he hungers. He then swatter the helicarrier out of existence, sending players tumbling down into the map. Players were then met by Tony Stark/Iron Man, who offered them a jetpack and warned that Galactus was trying to harness the energy from the Zero Point, the orb of energy that controls the Fortnite map. Players were then transported into first-person mode, sitting inside a horde of individual Battle Buses. As Iron Man explained, he'd rigged the Battle Buses to serve as bombs, with the goal of Galactus eating as many of them as possible to potentially open a portal and send them through reality. Players then were tasked with shooting at Gatherer drones, in an attempt of getting closer and closer to Galactus. Thor then latched onto the Battle Bus, steering players into a maze-like mechanical set up reminiscent of the Death Star. Wolverine then jumped onto the Battle Bus and swatted away a swarm of Gatherers, allowing the Battle Bus to get directly in the path of Galactus' mouth. Players were then flown into Galactus' mouth, blowing him up entirely and sending him into a gigantic rift. Players then heard a telephone ring, and saw a brief animatic of Agent Jonesy waking up. The game then showed a black screen, before being hit with a black screen and a title card, proclaiming that Season 5 will start in roughly eight hours.